Photograph captured by local news photographer.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looks like Eddie is at work

Last week saw a lot of trial and error trying to make figures. Omscaler thinks he has enough figures to put one or more to work on the railroad. To be clear, results are less than what was hoped for. Nevertheless, omscaler is going to install the best efforts as soon as possible. The figure work will be ongoing but other projects are going to take priority so as not to bog down too much with the overall plan. More info later, omscaler


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Figure project still underway

As readers can tell, the initial figure making effort needs to be improved. A number of figures are made, but all of them look somewhat two dimensional. However, as this post is written additional study has been made and the figure project will continue. Omscaler is hoping to have a representation of many different walks of life. The Omega Scale Railway certainly needs a work crew. Ordinary citizens will also be included. Still working on figures, omscaler


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trouble in Murphysboro

 Trouble in Murphysboro

Last week saw an unexpected problem arise in Murphysboro, the original module. Omscaler is sharing a post, all or in part, which was posted to a forum in which he participates.

“This past week word got around that the evil Dick Tracy© villain, “Big Head” was skulking in the freight yard. This put local law enforcement as well as railroad police on high alert. The accompanying photos were taken by a Jackson County Chronicle photographer, ostensibly from the roof of the Hull house.”

Readers should check the above picture for a description. As it stands now, figure making is progressing. Omscaler feels that there is still a way to go to get the desired effect. Continuing to work, omscaler



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Still “figuring” it out

Figure making is still ongoing. Previously, a number of trial efforts were done. These proved to be off dimensionally. Omscaler determined that he had to really hone in on measurements. No easy feat in this scaler. Exact specifications were written on the master project sheet for immediate use as a guide and for future reference. The next figure built was much more close to what was needed. Initial figures will be railroad workers. General population figures will be next. Hoping the figures continue to add up, omscaler


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Another faux pas

 Yep. A faux pas. It has come time for omscaler to “fess up”. What has happened is that a flaw has been discovered. The problem is that none of the turnouts have been recessed when they were installed. All fourteen of ‘em. Everyone. Omscaler thought a little funny that equipment going through the turnouts seemed to move somewhat roughly. “Odd,” I thought to myself. Some days after it dawned on the erstwhile omscaler that the turnouts had not been recessed as they were on the previous module. So, this week’s priority is to correct that error. This work has already been facilitated by a discovery that will be helpful. Before the error was discovered, omscaler began working on figure building. One idea that was tried was quilling. This did not work as hoped but the method can be used to make repair support pillars if they are needed. A silver lining to the turnout resetting cloud. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sandy soil in west Tennessee

 As of last Sunday, all terrain segments have been put in place on the Union City module. The rail yard area is bluish gravel gray. The other area, town area, is sandy soil color. The passenger depot and freight house are operational. Fourteen turnouts were installed. A new record for The Omega Scale Railway. These turnouts were reduced in length by sixty-six percent, more or less, compared to the Murphysboro module. There is still a lot of shakedown activity to be done. Also, turnout switch targets need to be installed as well as the NC&StL express office, McAdoo builders lumber shed and material bunkers, Browder grain elevator and smaller businesses. As has been said before, “Plenty to do on The Omega Scale Railway”, omscaler


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A handshake for jobs well done

As the last spike was driven on the interchange, Tom McGinty shook hands with “Choctaw” Jones. Both were congratulating each other and their respective Gandy Dancers for getting the tracks down in Union City. Both men are Captains to their respective crews. At this point, all track is down and passengers and freight is moving. Gravel is still being poured in the freight yard and the permanent passenger platform tiles will be down soon. McAdoo Builders, on line customer, needs a lumber shed and material bunkers. Also, the NC&StL needs an express office. Still much to do, omscaler