Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Label: The one to three eighty-four landscape
It has just occurred to this writer that the Omega Scale landscape might be sparse indeed. I was thinking back to the article that got me started down this road. I have only seen one “live” example of the scale some years ago since then. I guess I am looking forward to the day when everyone has a least a little knowledge about Omega Scale or has even seen it if not owns some of it. But still, I can't help wondering, “Who else is out there?”.  Where are the fellow developers users? Am I like the fellow in the nursery rhyme, with lantern in hand, “...searching all through the night...”? Well fortunately, I can see the sunrise and it indicates a clear blue sky. And speaking of landscape, what will I build the grass and trees from? And what about buildings? And what about water features? And what about lighting? See, the fun never stops on The Omega Scale Railway. Until next week, omscaler