Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Still with the Serendipity!
Where omscaler left you, the reader of this blog, last post was, omscaler was going to reveal the next silver lining to the cloud. As was stated all the trackage was going to be replaced. To remind readers, some trackage was built with 110# Vellum”, some with 110# smooth. What is going in is 100# Bristol smooth. Before starting, omscaler decided to do a “test” assembly with the new stuff. Preparatory thought revealed a plan to set up the track components and glue and color and mark ties and rails “at the desk”. The new method has allowed precise gluing and more accurate tie marking with much less “mis-marks”. This will naturally improve the appearance of the track right of way. Then, it is on to the “secret” development with equipment upgrading and construction as well. Industriously, omscaler