Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What’s taking so long?

Well, a number of things. As I write this post, I have just returned from a long drive out in the beautiful sunshine on this fine Fall day. Not too productive but very energizing. A stop was made at a train watching spot in the next town over where a very long intermodal and regular freight train was observed. Then after visiting downtown Birmingham, the return home. As far as the passenger cars, center beams are mounted on all five cars. It was determined that fifty-two wheels would be needed with only ten already made. So, the rest were made. Now we need passenger truck side frames. Two of one length and the rest in varying lengths. After this, window mounting. Maybe car floors next? Continuing the good work, omscaler