Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Happy New Year!

It is time for a new beginning. Time to dust off the dust of last year and start anew. Omscaler actually begins planning for the next year in November. Saves last minute rushing. At this time, we like to reflect on what did and did not get accomplished and set our goals anew. As of now, The Omega Scale Railway has sixteen goals, some with sub-goals pushing us above twenty in actual number. The work before is plentiful but joyful. We are expecting great rewards for great effort. The last week of twenty twenty-one saw the completion of a dual rod flaring tool. This should speed up production of coupler/retainer rods. A pretty good way to end the year for omscaler and The Very Small Railroad. The current project underway is a group of ten open-top hoppers. Busy, busy, busy, omscaler