Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The best laid plans!


The best laid plans of mice and men seem to go astray at times. Last post was about “glorious” Fall weather. This post will include “glorious” knee pain symptoms. Yep. Omscaler went hiking. Just a small hike. An unassuming hike. Not like Pike’s peak or something. So omscaler went along the rim trail and avoided the entrance to the gorge sign. Looked to rough. Proceeded further down the hill and saw a more easily traversed path. Plus, the sign said “Suspension Bridge”. Too alluring. We ambled down this path. And ambled. And ambled some more. Kept looking at watch. Decided on a “turn around” time and kept ambling. Another sign about the suspension bridge. More not seeing bridge. Turned around. Recalled that going down was much easier than going up. I had actually done some movement over low boulders on the way down. Recrossed the same. Walked back to the car. Got under way and went home. Omscaler noticed a little “twinge” in the left knee if I did not hold my leg just right as I went home. Also felt some discomfort as I tried to sleep that night. Sunday, guess what! The “twinge” had turned into a “twonge”, just a made up word to describe a “Hallelujah” level of pain. Home remedies were applied with very little relief. What to do? Answer: Nothing. Yep. Rest and more rest. I believe this is a classic case of “Weekend Warrior” syndrome. It seemed like I noticed a little discomfort at the first stop, a craft fair. Lesson: Don’t ignore anything. I had actually done regular walking during the summer but rain did curtail some. I had just returned to regular exercise routine about two weeks before the problem happened. All Weekend Warriors have a case of overconfidence. Easy to do. What does this have to the with The Very Small Railroad? Just this. Omscaler does not do fine exacting work when he is in abject pain. Another good rule I have learned. So, we have lost perhaps three days. Less if you allow for procrastination. But, as before we will get her done. Omscaler