Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Details make the difference

Omscaler was thinking about a past post regarding one or more well done model railroad layouts. The term layout usually means the place where a model railroad resides. All the noteworthy layouts have this in common: The layout is as close to the real world as possible. This can be very challenging when one has to shrink the model railroad to fit the available space. Layout builders have been very skilled at meeting this constraint. Needless to say, these results definitely inspire omscaler. Going forward, The Very Small Railroad is long overdue for a more lifelike appearance. We need people, animals, vehicles, structures, foliage. All of these will have to be developed in the proper scale. We love pioneering here on The Omega Scale Railway. Just adds to the fun. But which direction should we take? Initial experiments are now taking place. By the time this post is published, we should have a handle on the way forward. Brimming with anticipation, omscaler