Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

And then it was seventy...

Yep. After the frozen came the toasty. I live in an odd place. The winters are most foul until it warms up. The summers have heat exceeded only by humidity. However, we at The Very Small Railroad persevere. Mostly due to air-conditioning. Keeps warpage to a minimum. As far as the specific work goes, There have been some interesting developments. We have developed components that let us eliminate about two parts of running gear and are much simpler to make as well as working much better. We have also decided to use a strong center beam on the rolling stock which helps when shoving cars. The improvement also lets us use a simple rod instead of a formed “J-hook” configuration. This saves time, material and effort. Initial trials have been very successful. We are hopeful for success with multiple car testing at this point. This is why we are upgrading all railcars and may do the same for locomotives too. On another train of thought (you thought you would get away without a pun), The Winter Train Show, hosted by Smokey City Rails, was last Friday and Saturday. I was accompanied by my youngest grandson. It was good to see some folks I had not seen for a long time. I have been informed that the April Train Show will take place in Gadsden, Alabama. I hope to see you there. Working the plan, omscaler