Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Why so many trains?

Recently, I was asked this question by someone who had to contend with stopping at a rail crossing until the train passed. This had to potential of happening every work day. I explained that the area was home to a number of cement plants and limestone quarries. Also, there were other industries in the area. Overall a very busy railroad place. Has been so for almost a century. Fortunately, the person was able to use another route after a little exploration which limited the problem somewhat. I myself usually enjoy watching trains go by and consider myself lucky when I see one. One man’s bread and butter and so forth. Anyway, omscaler is still working on the Hamilton House. Also, fighting the sunshine too. Yours not hardly distracted, omscaler