Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Those pesky switch-stands!

Last week was spent working on switch-stands. Things seemed to start out okay but when it came time to do a trial fit, not so good. The reason was that the base was too big. Well, back to the drawing board. Fortunately, the base was able to be shortened. Shortening the base also meant that rod guides on the base had to be redone as well. We did not have much room to spare. The base measure 5/16” by 5/16”. The so named sliding wedge could only be so long before it interfered with the next parallel track and roadbed. As it turned out, omscaler was able to work through the challenge. After redoing the measurements, work began on making seven new turnouts for the Murphysboro module. When this is complete, one of the 2024 goals will be met. Still working ahead, omscaler