Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Well, not again!

Yes, we have no bananas. A completed bungalow banana that is. Anyway, you know what I mean. We have four walls and a roof. Front and back steps. This actually makes the structure move in ready. And from what I have learned, they did. Somewhere along about Thursday omscaler began working on the upgraded drive linkage. This was very distracting as far as the bungalow was concerned. Omscaler gets deep in the weeds on something and can’t let go. Normally this is a good thing. In this case one project interfered with another. However, the new linkage has been road tested and even though not perfect shows promise. Omscaler has committed to redouble the efforts on bungalow completion. Yours diligently, omscaler