Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Sad time for many

As omscaler begins to write this blog post, he is mindful of the tragedy that recently came about. The powerful tornado system that took lives, injured many people and destroyed buildings seems unprecedented. What an awful time for those affected. Christmas is not going to be the same for these folks. Please take a moment to remember our neighbors and help out if you can.

  Right now on The Very Small Railroad we a still wrestling with a reporting marks printing problem. Color rendition from the computer to print is a little off the mark. Also, the previously mentioned part that was thought to be too short was not. A happy misunderstanding for omscaler. We take all the breaks we can get around here. Omscaler was able to develop a new production tool last week. This tool lets us make a needed part with a better profile as well as preventing burned fingers. A definite win-win. Omscaler loves it when this happens. This past Saturday a further improvement was conceived for this same tool. Should double output for rail equipment running gear. A win-win-win? It just gets better and better. Well back to work, omscaler