Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Label: What is needed?

As mentioned previously, the OSR is gearing up for more equipment. The big question is, what is most needed right now? Well, (to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas) one yard shifter, two Moguls, three red cabooses (caboosi?), four flat cars, five gondolas, six tank cars, seven, coal hoppers, eight covered hoppers,  nine out side braced wood boxcars, ten refrigerator cars, eleven wood sheathed boxcars, twelve sheet steel boxcars. But seriously, what does a small railroad really need? Let's look at what businesses need rail service and also what geography is the railroad located in. Potential answers: large factories – boxcars, gondolas, coal hoppers, flat cars. Food processing – refrigerators, boxcars, coal hoppers. Note: if this railroad is placed back in the day, lots of plants had their own steam generation capability, hence coal deliveries. Chemical plants – tank cars. Plus smaller distributors need all of the above in smaller amounts. And where to put the main rail yard? And does the railway cross rivers, lakes, ridges and mountains? We need bridges and extra locomotives. So, start small and work your way up. The sky is the limit. omscaler