Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Inching forward

Last week’s post was about installing fenders on the 1939 Olds. So far, the left rear fender is installed and judging by the looks of thinkg, it is a “do-over”. As frustrating as this is, learning this skill could help omscaler in the future. What is meant by that is more vehicles will be built as well as stream lined locomotives. So we continue to learn. Persistence is a way of life on The Very Small Railroad as has been stated before. The results will be worth it. Also, new work aids are being built to help with assembling the car which can be used for other projects. The main problem seems to be forming complex curves. Omscaler had previously taken complex curves for granted. Coffee pots, airplanes, glass bowls, the list goes on. Now that we are building them, it is a different story. Now we welcome complex curves. Not enthusiastically, mind you. But welcome nevertheless. Until next post, omscaler