Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Yes! I got a surprise. Two actually. I had been contemplating getting an electronic die cutting machine for several months or more. I saw the one I was interested in at $219.00 plus tax. “Great!”, I thought. That will save me almost a hundred dollars. Omscaler is very frugal as readers of this blog know. Finally the big day came for ordering the machine. I had arranged with a particular sales person to make the order when the time came. The store in question has a price match policy. We went to the order terminal. The person looked up a price match. Lo and behold! He saw it at $209.00. My frugality hormones went into overdrive. “This just gets better and better!”, I thought. Outwardly calm, I made the payment. The machine was scheduled to arrive on the date of this post. I picked it up six days early. Yes it does just get better and better. Online info indicated that there is a learning curve. I am riding that curve. “What brand machine?” you may wonder. Well, for now, since there is no endorsement agreement, I will only reveal that by request only. Your diligent learner, omscaler