Label: Good old summertime
Well, hot and humid weather is upon us. It seems like I stay
in more in the summer than in the winter. As previously mentioned, I have
decided to model Murphysboro, Illinois. The town having a connection with the
GM&O railroad and an apple festival and all. It seems that the folks in the
Shawnee Hills area would have cooler summers as well. Maybe I should research
on location by living there? Maybe not! I heard on the radio that the
government in that state (maybe just Chicago) was going to raise property taxes
so high that no one could leave because no one would by their home. Sounds like
they are being railroaded to me. Another pun, I know. Well, hot or no, I will
move forward with plans now made. Apparently not permanently in Illinois
though. Yours again, an unusually political omscaler