Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lost in the weeds?

This week’s post is about the lead picture featured above. What is notable about the picture is that there are two “plantings”. Also in this picture are new porch railings. Both of these represent another milestone for The Omega Scale Railway. The plants on the left are Crepe Myrtles and on the right are a “rare variety” Hydrangea. Readers will note that omscaler is taking a certain amount of liberty with this description. Regarding the porch railings, even though there is a balcony railing on the Hamilton House hotel, these railings are a new, more delicate design. This is the reason that part of them appear damaged. They were warped during installation. Omscaler thinks more damage may occur if a repair is attempted. Steadily moving ahead, omscaler