Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Label: Laaabor Daaay!
Whoo hoo! It's Labor Day day after. Summer's official end in most folks mind. Schools are back in session. Vacations are mostly complete. The weather, thankfully, is a little cooler. Some warm days still to come but not as warm now. I was glad to note that The Omega Scale Railway hobby was very enjoyable in the super hot weather. I was inside in the air conditioning of course. Plugging along as usual. What is going to happen now is that great fall days will compete for time with the OSR. That's okay, I need to get out more. Ah yes, end of summer. And don't forget, The Apple Festival in Murphysboro is fast approaching. Mark your calendars. omscaler