Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The last three

As this post is written, the last three boxcars of the car upgrade project have been started. Omscaler is attempting, as far as possible to work on them together. The railroad name has already had to be reprinted at least twice due to being a little too large to fit between the ladder and the door. Now the application of the reporting marks and road name can be put on the cars. The wall to deck assembly will have to be done one at a time as there is only one assembly platform. This platform supports the car deck so the car sides will be the correct height. The reason for this is that the side floor beam cover gussets protrude downward below the deck. This gives us the correct appearance for the boxcar. As a further note, omscaler is strongly leaning toward redesigning the turnout as the next project. Then, undecided. Omscaler