Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

And more digging


At this point in the shifter rebuild, we have gotten couplers, frame, drive wheels, cross head yoke, cross head guides, cross head, drive rods, sides rods and boiler yoke done. Currently underway is the cab and not much else. We have the sides, front and back, and floor cut out and black pigment applied. We still need the roof and to put it all together. As you may have noticed, the parts have had black pigment applied. Previously, omscaler has worked with black cardstock. The type of carstock is 110#. It has a tendency to delaminate when worked too vigorously. This tendency is very aggravating. The last shifter build used the new 100# stock which is white in color. What happened was that after the cab was assembled, pigment was applied. The pigment acted like a solvent on the glue. We had to slow down and reglue some parts. This time we have applied pigment before assembly to remedy this problem. So far so good. We still need to cut the forward and rear wall radii (radiusses to some). Next will be the roof with a roof transom. Then on to the main boiler jacket and fire box. Lots to do. Moving along, omscaler