Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Train Show report


Last post we talked about the Helena (AL) Train Show that took place Friday and Saturday 10/30 and 10/31. What a nice experience to be able to have a display of our Murphysboro module. What omscaler heard a lot was “that’s too small for me”. This is what we were expecting due to previous conversations with individuals. We also heard a number of complements which were much appreciated. A number of friends not seen in a long time came by and said hello and other nice things. The general attendance was somewhat good as well. All in all a good day. Just to give readers a heads up, there is another train show scheduled for February. More details later. Most of my time before the show was taken up by module transport box fabrication and other needed activities. This week, it is back on the Mogul. We are going to make sure we have good progress to report next post. See you then. Omscaler