Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A tale of two autos

 As promised, here is more information about the two automobiles mentioned last post. Our account begins with a decision to make more autos for The Omega Scale Railway. It was also decided to try a new material. That material was air-dry clay. An entry on the internet said it was easy to make your own. A simple formula was located, and necessary supplies gathered. Omscaler ended up with approximately two cups of the stuff. This for two autos that are about one-half inch long. Still plenty in storage (the refrigerator). The first attempt went wrong due to omscaler microwaving the batch too long. Air-dry omscaler. Air-dry. Once we got the method down, two “roadsters” were made. One, a red model with a white roof, belongs to Oscar Edgefield, Railroad Superintendent. The second, belongs to Miss Penelope Van Dyme, a local businesswoman. As a final note, The Murphysboro module has the sub-base glued to the base. Pencil markings showing rail line placement have been drawn on the sub-base. Also, two structures are in the works. Busier and busier, omscaler