Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Back in the day

Yep. More reminiscing. Once upon a time the little burg of Murphysboro Illinois was the de facto headquarters of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. All activity was directed from the depot. This was actually a big comeback for the railroad after being destroyed during the “late misunderstanding” (American Civil War). But progress was indeed made and the railroad became prosperous. Competition was stiff but persistence paid off. Time passed and railroads were getting larger or perhaps getting out. Chicago was the big lure for carriers and in year 1946 the Mobile and Ohio was joined with the Gulf,Mobile and Northern to step onto the industrial stage as the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio. Chicago was indeed reached and goods began to flow into and out of the Windy City. When the banana boats docked at the Port of Mobile, Chicagoans could count on fresh fruit in a very short time. Coal from Illinois might make its way to South America. Busy times for busy people. The GM&O was so successful among travelers, shippers and employees that the good reputation of the road lasted and was lamented long after it ceased to exist. Funny how life happens sometimes. Still keeping the dream alive and thanks for stopping and reading. Omscaler