Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A curling good time

Let me recount what the above phrase alludes to. I call your attention to the September 17th, 2024 post. In that post I put information about resetting turnouts due to a measurement error. In the case of the most Southerly turnout, which is on the main line, so much damage was done to the sub layer that the turnout base was unstable. Fortunately, omscaler recalled a method of paper crafting that could be used to save the day. Specifically, paper quilling was used to make a very short pillar. This proved to be very strong and usable. This past week, more paper quilling was used again to make shipping crates for the Union City freight house. The above photo shows workers and said crates on the South facing dock. Now we have workers and work for them to do. Omscaler believes more of this time honored paper craft will be used in the future. See you next post, omscaler