Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Winter is over!

Yes. Fine weather is here. Lots of folks are getting outside and enjoying the sunshine. Omscaler is one of them. The walking track at the local park has been visited a number of times already. Gotta’ keep fit to enjoy the model railroad. However, there is a dark side to this. With the occurrence of fine weather, the temptation is to just be outside all the time. This lessens the time put in on The Very Small Railroad. The good news is that there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. April showers bring indoor work time for us who are diligently laboring on The Omega Scale Railway. All we have to do is put some time in every day if we can. Usually not a problem. I think I hear a fish jumping! Setting my resolve, omscaler