Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

New project announcement

That is right. We have a decision. Our next project will be a building. Not just any building. The structure will be the “Hamilton House” Hotel, located in old Murphysboro, Illinois. However, there are two considerations here. One is that the location will be changed from the original one. Two is that the building will be a “partial model” due to limited space in that part of the town. We may change the second consideration. The final decision has not yet been made. To get started there is plenty to do with drawing a working plan from our chosen model The “Jackson House” Hotel still to be seen in Eureka, Nevada. Now you have some trivia about The Omega Scale Railway that you can tell your grandchildren. See you on the right of way next time, omscaler