Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

It’s about the details

Omscaler did a bill of materials on the recently completed covered hopper project. Also, one was done on the just completed M&StL boxcar. This rail car is a landmark project due to the fact that it represents a historic mid-west railroad. In addition to the history a number of innovative methods were used to build the car. The new methods are believed to save time and parts. The boxcar itself is of an older type featuring wood sheathing with incised individual boards, end horizontal boards and a vertical brake wheel stanchion. The inspiration for the car is from a railway museum which has restored a car of this type. Even though the car is of an older era, omscaler decided to make one anyway. We are always flexible on The Omega Scale Railway. It is more fun! Just to complete the details, the parts for the boxcar numbered fifty-eight. The covered hoppers may be one hundred and eight per car. Omscaler needs to double check this. Have a fun New Year, omscaler