Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Why do this? Why am I writing a blog about a micro scale (1/384) model railroad? After all, we have N scale (1/160), and Z scale (1/225). Isn't enough, enough? Well not really. In today's world we have crossed the threshold into nano-technolgy. Therefore, someone's efforts in this micro scale is very appropriate. Also, there are other benefits in working in the Omega scale, 1/384 world. Some of which are: this scale takes very little room, everything can be built from inexpensive materials, and surprisingly, it can be operated without electricity! All good reasons to take the Omega Scale challenge. I hope to hear from the dauntless in the near future.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What is before me now is a laundry list of needs. I saw this coming and basically welcome it. The reason is, any big project requires numerous details. That is life. The best way to deal with the big project is to continually visualize the end result. However, here is what is probably not the entire list:

production model boxcar
switching steam locomotive (shifter, 0-6-0 wheel arrangement)
hopper car
test track (!)
car frame assembly jig (holder)
locate module drive train connectors
car assembly templates
track assembly tools and improved method
stirrup step assembly method
and other things...

that's all for now.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The coupler quandary, persistence paid off. To start with, I almost named this post “The Battle of The Coupler”. How melodramatic. Well at times to be honest it did seem like that. I finally realized that I had delayed a most crucial component. By leaving this part to the last, I was not able at that point to make any real progress on the development of the very small railroad, i.e., The Omega Scale Railway. The coupler became the sole effort some three or more months ago. I tried one idea then another. Nothing looked right or worked. Finally I got out a diagram for a railcar and enlarged it. I also found pictures and diagrams of the Janney coupler online and studied them. I continued working. At last, a working coupler emerged. It looks similar to the prototype coupler but releases with a bottom clip spring. More about the spring another time (unless I get inquiries). The coupler still definitely some fine tuning but looks realistic and will let the project go forward now. For a final detail, the coupler was installed Sunday, January 29th, 2017, at approximately 3 P.M. Your ideas for improvement, questions as well as general comments will be welcome.