Photograph captured by local news photographer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Well, here is the latest on the Graphics Project. I gathered a handful of material for the printer and went down there on the expected day. We talked about what was needed. Then he made a sample. It looked great! Then he said that the set up charge would be the most expensive thing. This I knew was the industry standard. I thought to myself, “It might have to be recovered somehow over time.”. So, we continued our discussion. He said if I could bring some pictures of what I wanted, that would make things cleared for the set up. I said, “No problem. I have an extensive collection of model railroad magazines I have gathered over the years. There are plenty of photos in there.”. So later I began to diligently search for said pictures in the collection. Guess what? Sometime between when I last put the collection in storage (the closet), and the conversation with the printer, the “magazine elves” came and pulled all the pictures I was remembering and put in other model railroad pictures. I began digging around through the magazines looking for photos, model railcar ads, and diagrams. I saw everything but what I needed. “This is incredible!”,  I said to myself. “I have seen these ads for years”. Dig and dig and dig some more. I persisted. At last I began to see some things that would work. Boy howdy! I realized my mind recalled seeing such ads but it did not recall the exact month and year of the magazine the ad was in. Next time I will remember everything. Are you serious? Just kidding. See what  happens? Now I am having a conversation with myself. No doubt a by-product of intense frustration. Til next time, a serene omscaler

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

“Okay, you are probably saying to yourself, the label is “The Graphics Project”, I thought The Omega Scale Railway is the project?” Well, you are correct. As I thought, The Omega Scale Railway project is actually a very large project. So big in fact, that many other projects are required to build the main project. Which brings me to the above stated label. I went by a print shop to discuss what I was trying to accomplish. As mentioned in an earlier post, the printer said that printing in the size require would be no problem. Great! I thought. Let's move forward. So I prepared a rough sample for discussion purposes. Took the same to the printer. The printer said it looked like I needed lettering on the side of the railcars. Yep, I said. That's right. He said that white letter would be created by printing color around the letters. In other words, the white color of the paper would be the color of the letters. Considering the amount of color needed I said I would think about reworking the lettering. At this point, I have developed “plan B”. I am taking this new sample to the printer for discussion and will update here with the results. Til then, omscaler

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Mikado, sounds Asian doesn't it? It is in fact the native word for the Emperor of ancient Japan. So when in the 1930's (date uncertain), the government of Japan ordered some locomotives from an American builder, the builder named the new locomotives “Mikado”. The order was in fact canceled. The design itself was the most advanced for its time. The Mikados soon proved their worth and became ubiquitous on most railroads. They were affectionately known as “Mikes”. And so it is with this history in mind that the decision was made to include this powerful industrial workhorse on The Omega Scale Railway. This project is of course waiting in the wings for the appearance of the hopefully soon to be completed Shifter. More on that as it happens. So long for now, omscaler