Label: The disruptive economy
This is the era of disruptive technology. Old line firms have
gone. Others are either going away or attempting to transform themselves. All
of this has had profound effects on the public in general. The Omega Scale
Railway is poised to join the ranks of those enterprises that have changed the
landscape of what has traditionally been. The OSR is unique in its
characteristics because the technology is relatively simple. First is the
substructure or base. The base does not need to be made of wood, though it can.
This can potentially save hundreds to thousands of dollars in plywood. Say
good-bye Georgia Pacific. Next is the right-of-way or roadbed. Again, no wood,
foam or similar material. The rail ties are not plastic as is often found at
present. Say good-bye Dow Chemical. The rails themselves are not nickle-silver.
Say good-bye Atlas Tool Company, Hillside, New Jersey (nothing against New
Jersey, the Garden State. People in that area need good vegetables!). Say
good-bye Peco. Say good-bye Homestead Mining. And what about crossing rivers
and other obstacles? Say good-bye Central Valley, Plastruct. What is on top of
the rails? Wheels, of course. Say good-bye Atlas, Northwest Shortline. And the
wheels are in trucks (rail-car trucks). Say good-bye Kadee. What about the
rolling stock? Say good-bye Athern, Atlas, Bachmann, IHC,Life-like,
Roundhouse-Model Die Casting, Model Power Rivarossi and more. What powers the locomotives?
Say good-bye MRC. What no power pack? Say good-bye local power company.
Scenery? Say good-bye Woodland Scenics (maybe?). Where are we now? Wow! As you
can see. The potential for disruption is vast. Well, maybe not. I have many
items from many of the above mentioned makers. I have no plans to get rid of
them. Still, the OSR is a game changer. Change is inevitable. Who knows what
transformations will take place in year 2018 (the year of the Dog for those of
you who need to know ;) <= emoticon with wink.)? As you can see, The Omega
Scale Railway is very different. It utilizes different resources. But also
returns model railroaders to an earlier time when most things were completely
scratch built. Challenging, I know. But that is where the fun is (insert
another emoticon with a wink). So, perhaps this year we will see who will step
up to the plate at the OSR. Maybe I should watch out. Maybe someone else will
take the lead in The Omega Scale. Maybe? We will see. I am hoping that all have
a great and prosperous year ahead. The optimistic omscaler