Label: The Modular Way
Modularity. What is it? To most, modular homes, modular
programming, modular furniture. I associate these things with contemporary
technology. I am sure there were historic modular ideas. I just don't know
about them or forgot about them. What is current and has been for years in
model railroading is modules. They are quite prolific. I have made larger scale
modules myself. I have an N-scale module in procrastinated progress right now.
(good 2018 goal, eh?) Therefore, The Omega Scale Railway will be introducing
modular design in 2018. I can hear the applause and cheers now. “Why modules
for this scale?”, you might be asking yourself. Good question! “It seems like
everything is small enough now!”, you might exclaim. Good exclamation! The
answer. An eight foot layout is hard to put in the front seat of your car. An
eight foot layout is hard to put under a standard length bed. An eight foot
module is hard to put on the table with your green eggs and ham. (if you have a
shorter table and like green eggs and ham.)
(bloggers note: the previous is from a Dr. Suess book, Green Eggs and
Ham, Sam I am.) By now many of you are probably wondering why I am
disparaging a beloved children's book. I am not. I am just saying there are
times when something smaller is needed to get something more. Hence, modules.
Once again, your compartmentalizing omscaler