Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Improving the process
That's what it's all about. Right? It seems this writer is working on another coupler improvement yet again. It had to be done. We cannot tolerate faulty equipment. It has to work and work right. Right? So anyway, this year is well underway with the previously mentioned upgrades being scheduled even as I write this blog post. What are your plans for this year? Have you thought about it. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail someone said. At this moment I am considering an entire rework of the Murphysboro module. I changed a critical specification. As you probably already know, when you do that, all specifications may be affected. At least as far as the relevant component is concerned. However, this change should improve operation. Also, the change will correct some earlier flaws that got  built in by mistake. Learning is always fun! Until next post, a learning omscaler

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Last year is gone
That's right. As mentioned last post, the past is past. Let's bury it together, shall we? As I write this, I am wondering what the new year will bring. I have a hunch it will be better than expected. Last year was better than several years before it. Why not be optimistic? This year we at The Omega Scale Railway are going to organize ourselves in an effort to solidify all the methods we have developed. This will give us a better model railway. Hopefully with less effort. We believe we can do this. See you down the line, omscaler

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The end and the beginning
Happy New Year! Out with the old. In with the new. Yes, it is a time for new beginnings. Last year is gone. What was done was done and what was unfinished... What about that? This is year 2019. An odd numbered year. Seems odd doesn't it. Some people are superstitious about such things. I, your omscaler, see it as opportunity. Odd, I know. But let's look at it. Nineteen is not evenly divisible. This indicates resoluteness. It is like one. A good place to start. And start we will. Sure we will pick up where we left off after the Holidays. But still, with goals in mind, we will move forward in our new beginning. We will improve the way we do things. We will do new things. We will meet new people and we will accomplish our goals. Last year, omscaler did not meet all goals. What to do? What I will do is relist the goal. Readjust my sights. And move forward. My pet project right now is two flat cars. I had hoped to have that done by this writing but...stuff got in the way. No problem. Make it a New Year's goal. Maybe you will do likewise with your stuff. Headed for the goal, omscaler

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Big Day is here!
Merry Christmas to all! Wow, Christmas, 2018. What a great day. I remember Christmas as a child. It was always a big deal. I remember one year Christmas fell on Monday. So Sunday night there was a special Christmas Eve church service. I remember when I and my family arrived before the service. Decorations were up in the sanctuary. There were special Christmas lights. The air practically crackled with anticipation. What did this anticipation come from? Sure, kids like me were expecting toys, candy and goodies the next morning. But, still there was something about the atmosphere that was beyond that. It was an almost transcendental electricity. People had worked. Musicians and singers had practiced. Cooks had cooked. People had put stuff on layaway at stores. But here we were. In the middle of a synergy that in spite of hustle and bustle had a Spiritual quality that seemed almost tangible. We had come to a Birthday Celebration of an Individual who came to give us gifts rather than receive them. How could you not be moved by such a day? It was a time to pause and Worship God and Savior. Doing this actually built up the worshiper. Strange but true. So this is how we did Christmas when I was young. Yes, there were large train layouts in toy stores. Animated displays in large department store windows in town. Lights, parades, Santa Claus! It was all good. The most wonderful time of the year. Like in the song. So, here I am, your omscaler, wishing you and all a merry and blessed Christmas.