Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October already!

 Omscaler is a little surprised. Surprised that Summer is gone and it still is warm and humid. However, we believe that spectacular Autumn weather will appear soon. This a great time for outdoor railfanning and hiking and other outdoor stuff. Omscaler has been chomping at the bit to get outside. Chores and errand are looming but we will get it done. Then, hit the the road. Road trip! Where will we go? Answer will be listed in future blog posts. We are still building covered hoppers slowly but surely. Working along, omscaler


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Procrastination pays off!

 As post readers noted last week, we had one set of car markings done and as mentioned we have done all sets. Next we began roof hatches and as it stands one set is done with three more to go. There are eight roof hatches per car so we have a good bit to do. Readers will have noted in the tag line a reference to procrastination. This is due to last Saturday having no work done. No work but driving that is. Yours truly, omscaler, decided to blow off everything and leave town. What was luring us out of town (note: us is celestial “us”, actually just me.)? Answer: Goats! An announcement came out a few weeks ago about a friend on a public social platform we all know about concerning a goat beauty contest. A what? After further investigation it was discovered that the contest was part of the annual Dancing Goat Folkfest in Ellijay, Georgia, U.S. (for our international readers). Dancing goats, arts and crafts, great scenery. We gotta’ go! And so we did. Cranked out of bed at 5:30 a.m., local time. Rambled to the gas station. Rambled into large retail outlet for junk food and beverage. Then hit the road. Stopped at Oxford for “chicky biskit” and headed for Georgia. Finally rolled into Ellijay about a quarter till noon. Checked out the downtown displays and then located the other venue. I was too late for the goat beauty contest but got to visit with friends who had a participant, “Yoga”, in the show. A nice lady and her husband from Gadsden, Alabama, U.S., who own Lookout Mountain Goat Ranch, an arts and crafts learning studio. (Check it out!) After this I headed to Falls Creek Falls located in the Rich Mountain Wilderness Area where I hiked slowly but surely to the falls. (Only a half mile round trip.) After this I went ahead instead of returning to the highway. I was rewarded with a paved road and more scenery. I ended up at the Iron Bridge cafe located across from a one lane steel truss bridge over the river. Bridge looked a hundred years old. I went inside and asked where I was. (I was on Aska Road at Shallowford Bridge Road.) Next I asked where the road went. The person said one direction was very rambling and the other went to Blue Ridge. “Thank you”, I said. Then got in the car and went to Blue Ridge. People all over! No parking! Slow driving! Looked like Gatlinburg on a railway! Got pics of a parked locomotive and the old depot and caboose and converted boxcar (now gift shop). Next I headed for food and then home. Got in about 8:00 p.m., that night. Whew! How did procrastination pay off? Well now omscaler is “inspired’’! So now I can enthusiastically get back to work! And how did Yoga do? He came in third place. There is always next year! Looks like we both need to put shoulder or hoof to the wheel as the case may be. Working with enthusiasm, omscaler


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The inch worm rules!

As mentioned last post, we are inching along. We did make a decision on a new method for making ribbed car sides and these are awaiting reporting marks. So far, one set of car reporting marks are installed. The rest of the reporting marks are standing by. Hopefully by week’s end these will be done as well. Then the rest of the project should be cutting out parts and assembly. Where omscaler lives right now is experiencing persistent heavy rains. It is a great time to work indoors. Wherever our readers are, stay safe, stay dry and stay well. Omscaler


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Inching along

Hello again blog readers. Just a brief update for you concerning the previously mentioned covered hopper project. As of this writing, A group of four pairs of sides are complete. Four sub-roofs are also done. A pre-production car side was done for evaluation purposes and the results were not acceptable. As omscaler stated before, this project would involve a higher level of craftsmanship than the first covered hopper. So early Saturday morning was spent discovering a better way of building car sides. This process went on into Sunday as well. We now believe we have a working method to get the desired results. Monday will prove to be busy with non Omega Scale Railway errands and family time due to a recent birthday but Tuesday promises to be resuming work at full throttle (insert pun here). Working on the work at hand, omscaler


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Update and new project

The bungalow is finished less the previously mentioned porch trim. What is lacking now is the porch railings. The first attempt at the railings was substandard and not installed. The sidewalk proper is done but some other details are not. Due to the railing problem, the bungalow project will be installed temporarily on the module. The details will be put on hold. This is not usual for omscaler but due to the backlog of projects vying for attention this will let us move forward. What is on the work order is four covered hoppers. We may simultaneously work on a couple of boxcars also. A tall order I know. The work order sheet lists twenty-seven line items. Plenty to do. Omscaler hopes readers had a great Labor Day. Digging in, omscaler


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Finishing touches...

 Last week the Gerald McCorkle family finished moving the entire household into the new bungalow. All that was needed was the front porch trim and a poured sidewalk and a few more details in the front yard. As mentioned we are going to make a covered hopper for the railroad. The earlier covered hopper had to be scrapped due to inferior components. This new covered hopper will be a step above in quality. At least that is the goal. We have some ideas about how to make this happen. Looks like the pressure is on now! Cooking high, omscaler


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thar she blows!

Er, thar she bunglows that is. We have a new dwelling. A Craftsman style bungalow just like grandma had. This structure is a much needed and welcome addition to the town of Murphysboro. We hope to have a good number to follow. The next project? As previously stated, a covered hopper is vying for attention. And frankly we can use more of everything. Who doesn’t need more of everything? The burners are full. We will get to work immediately and make it happen. Cooking away. Omscaler