Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tender feelings?

Tender feelings? Really? As this post is written, the “painstaking” tenders are indeed complete. The first pain experienced was that the front steps turned out too big. (Are we baking cookies?) The final size was about three to four times the size needed. I am not kidding. Note to self: Install a single set and “evaluate”! Therefore, it was back to the planning stage. Fortunately, and idea came up. First, we used 24# paper cut to size. This was glued to another piece of 24# cut to a ready to form dimension. Then step sides were cut. Then they were folded. The bottom step was cut to length and then folded. Then the sides and bottom step were glued into place. The stock for the second step was cut to size and glued into place. Then the assembly was cut to final size. Then the steps were glued to the lower front deck of the tender. If too much glue was used or the steps warped badly, then you start over. Breaks should be taken often. Maybe even continue the next day. Finally, all six were done. The next phase will be the locomotives. Probably be even more fun. We shall see, omscaler


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Step by step

 As this post is being written, omscaler is taking the painstaking steps to make more realistic steps. Pain is indeed almost in the mix. The rear steps are different from the front steps being much more simple in design. These are already complete. The front tender steps were more elaborate often having scalloped sides. Hence the “painstaking” part. However, we do have a working plan and are beginning to make progress. Also note that the applied front steps will be a compromise. This is to ensure that omscaler does not endure too much mental “painstaking”. But, as usual, we will get ‘er done. Stepping along, omscaler


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Grinding along

Or we could say, “Gluing along.” Yep. Omscaler is indeed moving along slowly. This last week saw deep Spring cleaning with little OSR work being done except on Monday and Saturday. With the cleaning chores mostly done, tender construction should be moving along. Some surprise details will appear with the pictures of the completed locomotives. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Back in town

Good to be back from a Saturday trip. Saturday was the 36th Annual Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association Train Show. The show was very good but seemed lightly attended. Of course, the sky was clear blue with sunshine and there was an art show at Noccalula Falls Park. Probably affected the turnout. Tender construction has slowed due to the need for precision accuracy. Omscaler will take a shot at by week’s end completion. I know readers are thinking, “That’s what you said last week.” Omscaler has learned from experience that a good job takes time. I am sure the results will be worth it. Precisely moving forward, omscaler

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Laudable progress

Last post omscaler was pondering the level of progress that would be made over the course of the present project. Currently, tender wheels are installed as well as all necessary running gear associated with the tenders. Tender body side sheets are next on order. The basic stock piece for one tender is ready to be formed and cut. The hope is that all three tenders will be done by week’s end. It is fortunate that all three are the same design. The so-called “Orient” type. Omscaler does not know why this name is used. Readers feel free to chime in here. Hope all had a fine Easter. Until next week, omscaler


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Loaded down.

This week seems a little heavier than usual. Omscaler is beginning the three-locomotive project. On the upside, numerous parts are ready to install. On the other side, the next steps will be more complex. The tenders need twenty-four wheels. The Consolidations need twenty wheels. The American needs only eight. All of these are ready to install. Tender decks are done. Center beams are done. Fortunately, omscaler has working plans to help guide the process. Less certain is the completion date. Omscaler has a reputation for running behind. Maybe I should give myself a bonus if completed early. We shall see. omscaler


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Finished in good order

The outside braced wood box car is finished. #162239, SL-SF, Frisco now sits protruding into Spruce Street. Let’s take a more in-depth tour of this boxcar. Stats: Sixty-two total parts (not countning external Z bar). About fourteen are hidden angle braces. Order boards on each door. Brake wheel and platform on the B end. The Frisco logo is on each side. Car does sit a little high. The side ladders are laser cut as are the sides. Simple roof walk and laterals. Glue streaks do show up on a magnified view. Seems like some research and experimenting are called for. Also, due to size constraints, little room on the end panels for larger markings. Actually, barely able to read. But...the boss said, “Run it!” Further note. Spruce and other streets are even to this day, paving brick made locally years ago. In this view is the retired Southern boxcar, #23376. The running gear in part was used on the new boxcar. The building is the South end of Murphysboro depot. On to the next project(s), omscaler