Photograph captured by local news photographer.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trudging along

Omscaler has had to move very slowly, literally. What happened was a few weeks ago omscaler sustained an injury to the left foot. Walking was so uncomfortable that a lot of pressure was put on the right foot. At one point, both feet were problematic. However, the left foot returned to normal while the right one worsened. As this post is written, the right foot is almost well but not quite. During the time period omscaler was asked to repair some bicycles for neighborhood kids. Due to the discomfort, work was slow. For the same reasons The Omega Scale Railway project languished. At this point, the front porch roof is being worked on. Due to this being a Mansard type roof, design and installation is slow. We do have a working plan though and hope to finish the week of this post. Getting back to normal, omscaler


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

One down

And one to go. The back porch to the home is complete and residents have already moved in a few weeks ago. The family was able to enter by use of gang planks at front and back of house. The movers also used them for entering with furniture. The back porch has steps in place. All in all, the home is shaping up. Due to Father’s Day, building has run a little behind. Looking forward to getting back to work, omscaler


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

On to new lows

Yes. The main roof is done. Next will be front and back porch. Actually, the back porch will be first. After porches will come trim. Omscaler has been mulling over the yard and fence as well. All in all, this should turn out to be a fine house for the occupants. The next project in the wings should be the Union City module. We need to lay track. Still planning ahead, omscaler


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Whew! Back to normal.

Omscaler is very happy to report that the blog posting has gotten back on normal schedule. That being said, the Hull house roofing is under way. This particular roof is the most unusual roof seen by omscaler. The house itself is an asymmetrical design which means the roof is also asymmetrical. All this means that careful planning is required to get the appearance as close as possible to the real thing. This aspect requires some extra time to achieve this effect. Anyway, we expect to be almost complete by next post. Measuring twice to cut once, omscaler  

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ooops! Major error.

Readers may have noticed that this post has come out over two hours late. This is possibly only the second time since the blog’s inception that this has happened. The cause was a convergence of circumstances augmented by omscaler not planning properly. The contributing factor’s were going out of town last Friday for a family member’s high school graduation and the Memorial day weekend. The local library was closed for the holiday and omscaler did not visit the library on Friday. Doing this would have prevented the problem. As a side note, for the time being omscaler does not have internet at home. Thus the need to visit the library. At any rate, The William Hull house has all walls up and the roof deck as well. Next will be the roof proper and then porches. Details will follow. Humbly moving along, omscaler 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Do I have a bay window (or two)?

Many years ago people with a large stomach were said to have a bay window. Omscaler reports that he has two bay windows. Neither on his person. Omscaler is very happy to say this. As this post is written, both bay window assemblies are ready to install. Also, going in are main walls. We take little steps at this point. As a point in fact, some additional laser cutting was needed for a wall section. Making slow progress, omscaler 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I am floored

Currently in progress are the bay window assemblies. These are two story bay windows. Hence the upper bay windows will need floors. Omscaler feels up to the task. Also, new laser techniques were used to assist in the making of the bay window walls. All in all, the new methods are producing a crisper appearance. Looking forward to the next steps, er’ floors. Omscaler