Good to have "The Old Reliable" on the property.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Tree one and two

The McCorkle yard is now hosting two very tall trees. Yes. We have a very tall pine and an unidentified tall tree in the backyard. The front steps have shrubs on both sides as well. Omscaler is thinking that the technique needs to be improved for both trees. This improvement effort will probably wait on other projects. These projects include sorely needed parts back stock and older railcar upgrades. It looks like a turnout upgrade is in the works as well. More details next post, omscaler


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Only God can make a tree

 Once omscaler heard a poem saying, “Only God can make a tree”. Omscaler is sort of wondering if calling on the Divine is in order at this point. Methinks I am being too dramatic. However, the foliage project ran into last weekend with no acceptable results. Some pre-made foliage material was purchased at a well known hobby store. We will see if an installation will be completed as of this post. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

No oil shortage here

As seen in last post, Eddie was hand jacking a crate. This last post pic shows Eddie still hand jacking a crate but there are five oil drums on the freight house dock now. Four of them are fifty-five-gallon drums and one thirty-five-gallon drum. Also, the really big crate has finally been muscled to the rail car loading dock area. Another thing is that now there is a Steamer trunk out front of the end door. The work just keeps piling up. Currently, omscaler is working on trees and bushes. Hopefully, by the end of this week we will see an example. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A curling good time

Let me recount what the above phrase alludes to. I call your attention to the September 17th, 2024 post. In that post I put information about resetting turnouts due to a measurement error. In the case of the most Southerly turnout, which is on the main line, so much damage was done to the sub layer that the turnout base was unstable. Fortunately, omscaler recalled a method of paper crafting that could be used to save the day. Specifically, paper quilling was used to make a very short pillar. This proved to be very strong and usable. This past week, more paper quilling was used again to make shipping crates for the Union City freight house. The above photo shows workers and said crates on the South facing dock. Now we have workers and work for them to do. Omscaler believes more of this time honored paper craft will be used in the future. See you next post, omscaler


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Looks like Eddie is at work

Last week saw a lot of trial and error trying to make figures. Omscaler thinks he has enough figures to put one or more to work on the railroad. To be clear, results are less than what was hoped for. Nevertheless, omscaler is going to install the best efforts as soon as possible. The figure work will be ongoing but other projects are going to take priority so as not to bog down too much with the overall plan. More info later, omscaler


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Figure project still underway

As readers can tell, the initial figure making effort needs to be improved. A number of figures are made, but all of them look somewhat two dimensional. However, as this post is written additional study has been made and the figure project will continue. Omscaler is hoping to have a representation of many different walks of life. The Omega Scale Railway certainly needs a work crew. Ordinary citizens will also be included. Still working on figures, omscaler


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trouble in Murphysboro

 Trouble in Murphysboro

Last week saw an unexpected problem arise in Murphysboro, the original module. Omscaler is sharing a post, all or in part, which was posted to a forum in which he participates.

“This past week word got around that the evil Dick Tracy© villain, “Big Head” was skulking in the freight yard. This put local law enforcement as well as railroad police on high alert. The accompanying photos were taken by a Jackson County Chronicle photographer, ostensibly from the roof of the Hull house.”

Readers should check the above picture for a description. As it stands now, figure making is progressing. Omscaler feels that there is still a way to go to get the desired effect. Continuing to work, omscaler