Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Label: The devil in the details
That's right, the omscaler has been working on the details. “What details?” you may wonder. Well, what I did was compile a list of freight car reporting marks series. A rather extensive list by the way. I did use some abbreviations to ease the task of course. Real railroads, they were large, had thousands of rail cars. The reporting marks were required by law. They were simple identifying letters and numbers for each car. The minimum required reporting were the railroad's initials and the individual car number. These were required to be placed in a specific place. Some railroads had just these reporting marks. Others had logo's, the railroad's motto, i.e., Ship it on the Frisco!, Etc. some went so far as have advertising or a blurb for the railroad's name passenger trains, “The Broadway Limited”, for example. The Santa Fe had a stylized partial route map with popular passenger destinations featured. Many variations on the rail cars appeared. So for right now, we have just the basics. Further details will be posted. Omscaler

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Label: The one to three eighty-four landscape
It has just occurred to this writer that the Omega Scale landscape might be sparse indeed. I was thinking back to the article that got me started down this road. I have only seen one “live” example of the scale some years ago since then. I guess I am looking forward to the day when everyone has a least a little knowledge about Omega Scale or has even seen it if not owns some of it. But still, I can't help wondering, “Who else is out there?”.  Where are the fellow developers users? Am I like the fellow in the nursery rhyme, with lantern in hand, “...searching all through the night...”? Well fortunately, I can see the sunrise and it indicates a clear blue sky. And speaking of landscape, what will I build the grass and trees from? And what about buildings? And what about water features? And what about lighting? See, the fun never stops on The Omega Scale Railway. Until next week, omscaler

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Label: Let's make tracks
The old saying is “There is no place like home”. Well, our growing family of Omega Scale rolling stock has already outgrown their home. We have five in the house counting the pre-production models. The little test track is relatively short. The first locomotive is in production. It has run behind for sure but will be ready soon. So now we need to find (that is make) a bigger place to play and live. Just like a real family. So, current plans call for track templates for straight and curved sections. The curved sections will be a variety of radii (radiusses for people who are Latin challenged). This will allow construction of different configurations as well as turnouts (switches). So now it's time to get busy. Sub sections of projects abound. Excelsior! One to three eighty-four! Charge! Once again, an excited omscaler