Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Label: Transportation for the masses  

Last week omscaler wrote about housing. Now common transportation is being examined. Obviously The Omega Scale Railway is transportation. But what about non railway means of transport? During the railway era, transport evolved from walking, riding on animals or riding in wagons and carts to well-designed automobiles. The Omega Scale Railway will feature at least some of these. Back in the day, ox drawn wagons worked in tandem with railroads. More to come. Omscaler

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Label: Houses for the masses

Yep, it's time to think about the people. Those hardy souls who toil and sweat to make modern transportation available for the rest of the population. After a hard day of working on The Omega Scale Railway, men and women need a place of refuge and respite. So, now is the time to plan for residences for the residents. We obviously need more than a freight house. Even though this makes do as a temporary abode. And what else? Stores, businesses, factories. As you have probably guessed, the list is growing exponentially. Yours again, a determined omscaler

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Label: More progress    

Just a little update. Work is naturally ongoing. Currently, larger batches of production have been arranged. The last work aid, a marking gauge has turned out well. The plan is to now produce in groups with an eye toward a more robust Omega Scale Railway. Diligence will pay off. BTW, I noticed on Facebook that someone has made some railway equipment in 1 to 500 scale. 3D printing was mentioned. The example I saw looked great. I am going to try to get more details. Right now, I do not know much about the examples I saw. Busy still, omscaler 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Label: The Modular Way

Modularity. What is it? To most, modular homes, modular programming, modular furniture. I associate these things with contemporary technology. I am sure there were historic modular ideas. I just don't know about them or forgot about them. What is current and has been for years in model railroading is modules. They are quite prolific. I have made larger scale modules myself. I have an N-scale module in procrastinated progress right now. (good 2018 goal, eh?) Therefore, The Omega Scale Railway will be introducing modular design in 2018. I can hear the applause and cheers now. “Why modules for this scale?”, you might be asking yourself. Good question! “It seems like everything is small enough now!”, you might exclaim. Good exclamation! The answer. An eight foot layout is hard to put in the front seat of your car. An eight foot layout is hard to put under a standard length bed. An eight foot module is hard to put on the table with your green eggs and ham. (if you have a shorter table and like green eggs and ham.)  (bloggers note: the previous is from a Dr. Suess book, Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am.) By now many of you are probably wondering why I am disparaging a beloved children's book. I am not. I am just saying there are times when something smaller is needed to get something more. Hence, modules. Once again, your compartmentalizing omscaler

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Label: Done and done!
As promised, the Union City Freight House is now complete. This structure in real life was located in Union City, Tennessee. This is west Tennessee, this part of the three states of Tennessee is the “plains” of eastern United States. This was once where the buffalo roamed. But back in the day, Union City was an active railroad location. The historic Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis crossed the historic Gulf Mobile and Ohio at Union City. The old union station for these railroads supposedly still exists. It may be a local business now. Anyway, with our freight house operational, we can now ship literally tons of less-than-carload boxcars from this location. The fun continues! omscaler

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Label: It's a New Year!
Yep! Out with the old. In with the new. For many, the new year is a time for new beginnings. Here at The Omega Scale Railway it is time for renewed efforts, renewed commitment to development success.  Last year saw much progress. Every necessary component was successfully developed. The only possible exception was a motor system for locomotive operation. I say this because we did motivate the yard shifter successfully, though somewhat crudely. Crude because we had to get things done. We can now move forward confidently. We believe all unknowns have been reconciled. We will definitely implement an improved motor system. Also, we will meet the need for all types of rolling stock. At this point, the previously mentioned freight house should be completed. Omscaler does not believe in resolutions but rather sets goals. Statistically, this method shows a dynamically more success rate than resolution setting. Why? Who cares! Let’s do what works! The Omega Scale Railway has numerous goals for 2018. Let’s see how many happen. By the way, 2018 is the year of the Dog in Asian culture. Chinese New Year will follow on the heels of Jan. 1, in late January or early February. In Asia, the dog is very auspicious. If a “Dog” comes to your house, it is considered most favorable. I hope we all have a “Dog” year! Here at OSR we are definitely going to try. Again, an optimistic omscaler