Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Another Mogul report


Last post we gave out the details of our work on the Mogul. This post we are giving out more details of our work on the Mogul. This is because we are running behind again. But thus far, we have applied the headlight, the stack, the sand dome, the bell, the whistle and the steam dome all on the completed boiler/ running board section. Next, cab, cylinders, boiler yoke, crossheads, crosshead guides, piston rods, drive rods, and side rods. After this will come the tender. Now you see that we have non-stop fun on The Omega Scale Railway. Working while we whistle, omscaler


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Latest Mogul report


Last post we stated that we would update readers on our progress with the Mogul 2-6-0 locomotive. While we are not as far along as we like, we have made a number of parts including the main boiler sheet. This sheet has a tapered section which we are proud to report we have replicated successfully. This will give a neat looking locomotive that looks prototypical. Also, making this unit has spawned some ideas about making future steam locomotives successfully. Optimistically, omscaler


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Train Show report


Last post we talked about the Helena (AL) Train Show that took place Friday and Saturday 10/30 and 10/31. What a nice experience to be able to have a display of our Murphysboro module. What omscaler heard a lot was “that’s too small for me”. This is what we were expecting due to previous conversations with individuals. We also heard a number of complements which were much appreciated. A number of friends not seen in a long time came by and said hello and other nice things. The general attendance was somewhat good as well. All in all a good day. Just to give readers a heads up, there is another train show scheduled for February. More details later. Most of my time before the show was taken up by module transport box fabrication and other needed activities. This week, it is back on the Mogul. We are going to make sure we have good progress to report next post. See you then. Omscaler


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Typing and yearning


As omscaler writes this post, once again the day is gorgeous with no clouds and fine temperature. As for the 2-6-0, we are now forming the boiler sheet. The diameter at the smallest point is nine sixty fourths of an inch. To do this takes a technique know as “quilling” but with a wider stock I think. Obviously, this is the most challenging part with this component being contiguous with the running boards. We had basically good success doing this with the shifter and we believe that we can repeat the success now. If we can just speed up some! Oh well. As for previously mentioned secrets, one is another turnout improvement may be in the works. Doing this takes away from other aspects of OSR construction. We will see. The second secret is that yours truly, omscaler has been invited to display the Murphysboro module at the Helena, Alabama annual train show. It is an honor to be invited to this fun event and I hope that people will take precautions and come out to see us. See you next post, omscaler


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Temptation and Fall weather


As omscaler writes this while being thankful regarding a healed knee, the beautiful sun and clear blue sky beckon. Not a cloud to be seen. Trails call in the distance. Oh well. We will work inside for the moment and maybe work out a little trial walk first. Concerning the OSR, a couple of secrets may be in the works. I write this with caution as we have received “unofficial” word that operatives of a jealous foreign power are even now trying to learn what we do here. I hate to disappoint them. “What we do here” is be persistent and keep trying. It is thinking and elbow grease. And fun. Let’s not forget fun. The Mogul is in the erection shop and is being constructed. We will keep at it, omscaler


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The best laid plans!


The best laid plans of mice and men seem to go astray at times. Last post was about “glorious” Fall weather. This post will include “glorious” knee pain symptoms. Yep. Omscaler went hiking. Just a small hike. An unassuming hike. Not like Pike’s peak or something. So omscaler went along the rim trail and avoided the entrance to the gorge sign. Looked to rough. Proceeded further down the hill and saw a more easily traversed path. Plus, the sign said “Suspension Bridge”. Too alluring. We ambled down this path. And ambled. And ambled some more. Kept looking at watch. Decided on a “turn around” time and kept ambling. Another sign about the suspension bridge. More not seeing bridge. Turned around. Recalled that going down was much easier than going up. I had actually done some movement over low boulders on the way down. Recrossed the same. Walked back to the car. Got under way and went home. Omscaler noticed a little “twinge” in the left knee if I did not hold my leg just right as I went home. Also felt some discomfort as I tried to sleep that night. Sunday, guess what! The “twinge” had turned into a “twonge”, just a made up word to describe a “Hallelujah” level of pain. Home remedies were applied with very little relief. What to do? Answer: Nothing. Yep. Rest and more rest. I believe this is a classic case of “Weekend Warrior” syndrome. It seemed like I noticed a little discomfort at the first stop, a craft fair. Lesson: Don’t ignore anything. I had actually done regular walking during the summer but rain did curtail some. I had just returned to regular exercise routine about two weeks before the problem happened. All Weekend Warriors have a case of overconfidence. Easy to do. What does this have to the with The Very Small Railroad? Just this. Omscaler does not do fine exacting work when he is in abject pain. Another good rule I have learned. So, we have lost perhaps three days. Less if you allow for procrastination. But, as before we will get her done. Omscaler


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Fall is here!


That’s right! Cool mornings. Low humidity. More distractions! Yep. More distractions means it is harder for omscaler to work on The Very Small Railroad. Football games featuring a grandson. Hiking is in the mix. Just being outside. What to do? Looks like omscaler needs to reorganize and prioritize again. We will get it done. Right now the Mogul is coming along. Cabooses are still not started other than just a few components. And we may have a “Mystery Announcement”. This announcement is just in time for Halloween, if it comes about. Due to current health situation at large this may be subject to change. We shall see. To be clear, the Halloween part is not really connected to the holiday. It just coincides. (Insert happy face.) Outward bound, omscaler