Eddie working at the freight house with his new hand trucks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Persistence wins!

As of last weekend, omscaler was able to get the results hoped for. This is as great a relief as it is a milestone. The two final ideas won the day. Results, though not perfect are very workable. This outcome will open the door for further progress on The Very Small Railroad. Omscaler is planning more vehicles as well as more modern locomotives. The locomotives will include streamlined types. Hence the need to make compound curves. Onward and upward, omscaler


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Less than perfect?

Did I say successful? On closer inspection, the cast needed to be better. And also, the second cast needed to be better as well. Omscaler has not given up. And he will not give up. We have two ideas to work with to overcome the problems. We are almost there. More news later. Omscaler


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Milestone reached!

Last post we were trying to complete a mold master. We did that and then casting was started. I say started because, as of this post, the fourth casting mold should be complete. The learning curve went nearly vertical. Omscaler was hoping that the curve would not flip back on itself. Fortunately, we did get a successful cast. The casting was not perfect, but the earlier results were unworkable. Now, all that is necessary is that a small tweaking here and there and we are good to go. Updates coming, omscaler


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Progress made!

Yes, we have made progress on the ’39 Olds. Last post we were working with modeling clay. This medium proved to be too soft. What to do? Just before the clay was tried, basswood was being carved. So, omscaler went back to the drawing board, almost literally. A diagram was drawn up to scale. Basswood sections were then made. I think this is the ninth attempt. As of this writing, the next step is gluing together the sections. After that, headlight pods will be made and attached. Yours in assembly mode, omscaler


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A new/old way

The 1939 Olds project continues. So far material trials have been conducted. The results were not as good as hoped. The body material took a long time to dry and was not as workable as needed. A mold master was started but not completed. The reason for this was the need for a more forgiving medium. The basswood was carve-able being nearly grain-less. However, if a mistake was made and there would have been some, a patch would be needed. This would add more time to an already delay ridden effort. What to do? Well, your ever resourceful omscaler reached back in time and decided to use modeling clay. We have not had our hands on the stuff since early grade school. Fortunately, a local craft store had some on sale. Now we can move forward. See you next post, omscaler


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The designing life

It is all in the design. Last week omscaler completed a full set of diagrams for the 1939 Olds project. As far as time to complete this project goes, this will definitely lengthen the schedule. On top of this extra effort, material testing is being conducted. It is hoped that the end result will be worth the significant delay. As was alluded to in the previous post, the methods used to “mold” the car body is project specific but due to the mold being reusable, more than one vehicle can and will be made. This output will provide more variety and quicker results. Yours with anticipation, omscaler


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Back it up

Back it up. Way back. Looks like omscaler has to do a redesign of the “work helpers” that were made for the body components for the 1939 Oldsmobile. It is probably just as well. Very hot weather outside makes being indoors almost a necessity. As previously mentioned, the work aids will help on all projects going forward. This is with the exception of the Olds work aids. If what is being planned is successful, the aids may be project specific. More on this later. Still grinding away, omscaler