Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Measure two times, then three times (and maybe four?)

Good advice should always be taken. Last week, omscaler had completed attaching all walls to floors of the current passenger car project. For some reason, it was decided that the last two worked on, coaches by the way, should be placed end to end to see how they looked. Omscaler was taken aback to see that the end of one car was wider than the end of the other car. “How can this be? ” That was the question. A mistake had been made, was the answer. What to do? Omscaler thought to himself, “We’ll just go ahead and use it as it is.” Hmm... Is this the real Omega Scale Railway philosophy? Anyway, since the “problem” was noted in the evening, omscaler retired for the evening. The next day was an early car service appointment. While omscaler was sitting and waiting, he realized that the old adage, “If you are not happy with it now, you will be less happy with it later”, was beginning to play in his mind. “That tears it. Nothing for it but to fix the problem.” So, upon reaching home, the mission to fix the coach was begun. The coach was only 1/32 inch wider so that was what needed fixing. Challenges were: Do not detach the linear window; do not destroy the coach side; do not damage car reporting marks. Carefully, carefully cutting began. The side floor angle was cut through. The ends were glued with angles on each side. These were cut away from the sides, even on the side that was left attached. This was done to try to cut down the length of one side of the floor. Disassembly complete, a 1/32 strip was carefully cut away. Since the side floor angle piece was cut, a more exacting replacement angle was needed. This was to avoid obstructing the windows. As side gluing took place one end side door was torn off. “Perfect!” (and maybe other words...) Anyway, after repairing the door, the side was attached. Omscaler almost forgot to trim the end walls. “Slow down, slow down.” Finally, all repairing was done. As this post is composed, clerestory roofs are being figured out. A challenging process. Tweaking along, omscaler


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Detail after detail

All walls are attached to car decks. All windows are installed in cars. At this post, end doors with diaphragms are being made and attached. Omscaler will then work on roof construction and installation. Detail followed by detail until all is done. That is how it is done on The Very Small Railroad. As a further note, foamcore board has been sourced and purchased. We believe this is sufficient quantity to last all of 2024. Lots still to do. Working and planning, omscaler


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dinner in the Diner

Yep. Another cliche’. However, in spite of this, omscaler is indeed working on the dining car as this post is written. “What’s left?” Readers may ask. Well, I will tell you. After the dining car comes the two coaches. This will see all the walls attached to floors. Then the roofs will be done. While I was on holiday, I took a short side trip to visit “Downtown” Gurley, Alabama. Looks like there used to be a depot. Just one track now. A period firehouse is across the tracks. Also, lots of Victorian houses immediately adjacent. Omscaler hopes all had a great holiday. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Looks like I’m floored!


Yep. So far, all the floors are custom cut for each passenger car. And, surprise, surprise! Each car excluding the baggage car has glazing. The placement of window supports and internal side doors made it necessary to recess floor areas to allow a correct fit of the floor itself. Omscaler will work on the floor installation to the side walls and then end walls. Roofs coming soon (we hope)! Fitting and placing, omscaler


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wheel after wheel

Let’s see, two coaches, eight wheels each, sixteen. One baggage car, eight wheels. One diner, twelve wheels. One sleeper, twelve wheels. That’s a lot of wheels. They all had to be made, naturally. Total: forty-eight. Fortunately, about ten were already in back-stock. Omscaler will take all the breaks available. These are installed on trucks and side frames are done as well. Next should be installing trucks to center beam/coupler units. A working plan is in place for this. Then will come passenger car floor, body and roof assemblies. Omscaler is looking forward to the next steps. Passenger car building bound, omscaler


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What’s taking so long?

Well, a number of things. As I write this post, I have just returned from a long drive out in the beautiful sunshine on this fine Fall day. Not too productive but very energizing. A stop was made at a train watching spot in the next town over where a very long intermodal and regular freight train was observed. Then after visiting downtown Birmingham, the return home. As far as the passenger cars, center beams are mounted on all five cars. It was determined that fifty-two wheels would be needed with only ten already made. So, the rest were made. Now we need passenger truck side frames. Two of one length and the rest in varying lengths. After this, window mounting. Maybe car floors next? Continuing the good work, omscaler


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Moving passenger cars along

Before we begin this week's post, let me put in an aside. This past Saturday was the Fall Smokey City Rails Train Show in Helena, Alabama. Omscaler really enjoyed this show. As a point in fact, the last one was not attended. So this may have made the experience more enjoyable. Saw a number of folks that I had not seen in a while. A notable appearance was made by the Redstone Model Railroad Club of Huntsville, Alabama. Their modules were very crisp and well made. The Smokey City folks will have another show in February just to give readers a heads up. As far as the passenger cars go, window inserts have been cut out and are ready to install. Many running gear parts are also ready. Truck sides and wheel attachment are next. We are slowly nearing completion. Still moving along, omscaler