Photograph captured by local news photographer.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I am floored

Currently in progress are the bay window assemblies. These are two story bay windows. Hence the upper bay windows will need floors. Omscaler feels up to the task. Also, new laser techniques were used to assist in the making of the bay window walls. All in all, the new methods are producing a crisper appearance. Looking forward to the next steps, er’ floors. Omscaler 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Am I in pane (again)

Yes. Omscaler is in pane. Making panes that is. Actually, windowpanes may all be complete as of this post. More specifically, panes were applied to all frames including front and back door windows. Naturally what follows is installing frames and doors to house walls. This will be done before attaching walls to each other. Looking forward to seeing the completed dwelling, omscaler


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Not a townhouse

Omscaler is continuing to work on the William Hull House. Many components are ready for assembly. We have been able to use a new method to make bay window sections. This approach gives a cleaner appearance and is easier to assembly correctly. Actual window glazing will use the puddled glue method for the same reasons. Regarding the above caption, it was pointed out to omscaler that this is a free standing dwelling and not an attached townhouse. Omscaler needs to be correct on as many points as possible. Building on, omscaler


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Introducing the new passenger depot

As a point of fact, the depot had a “soft opening” last Thursday. The Omega Scale Railway is very proud to have this addition to the railroad. The old depot building still stands and is now used as the Obion County Chamber of Commerce. The original station featured Spanish tile porch roofs. Curved porch roof supports, wainscoting and two sets of double doors. Also, the building has an asymmetrical four sided bay window. Since the depot is located on a sixty-degree rail crossing, the building has an irregular shape. If readers live in or visit west Tennessee, perhaps a visit could be made. On to the next set of projects, omscaler


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Done and done for the depot


It is expected that as of this post, the Union City, Tennessee, Union Station is complete. Omscaler is very proud to have this historic landmark represented on The Omega Scale Railway. This station will provide for passenger service to have a destination and departures between this town and Murphysboro, Illinois. Now, all that is needed to lay track on the Union City module. Also, to make a circuit, curved track sections are needed. The Very Small Railroad always has plenty to do. As a side note, omscaler enjoyed visiting the Gadsden Train Show this past Saturday. Looking forward to the next one. Still working and planning, omscaler


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Roof railing by any other name

As this post is written, all passenger depot walls are installed, and the main roof is now placed. The walls extend above the roof and omscaler is deciding what to call this extended feature. Research indicates that this is called a plain parapet. The reference photo shows some type of tiling running the length of the parapet. This is the current feature being made. After this and chimney installation, the next step should be the Spanish tile porch roof. Omscaler is not sure if this will be done by the time this post is posted. So, omscaler will keep readers posted. Working near the top, omscaler


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Walls are up

 All main walls are installed on the new passenger depot. Two measuring errors were discovered. Fortunately, they only required small extension sections. Omscaler felt like he dodged a bullet though. The main roof is prepped and ready to install as well. Further details readers will note is that final vertical attachment of walls still remain to be done. The Spanish tile porch roof is waiting as well. Downspouts will be done after that. We will need a chimney too. It is all about the details. Working and fine tuning, omscaler