Good to have "The Old Reliable" on the property.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Let’s take a look back.

Welcome to 2025! omscaler is super optimistic about this year. Lots of things planned. Lots of goals on the list. To set the stage for this year let’s look at what got done in 2024. The last completed project was the PS-1 boxcar. This project was very innovative. Features: True PS-1 sheet steel sides were recreated. The sides and door were laser cut. It is an open-door boxcar. Actual boxcar number and reporting marks were applied. Next was an improved turnout design. Features: One moving part. Along with this omscaler made a number of switch stand targets. The Union City module was completed. This module has an interchange track. Another first for The Omega Scale Railway. Figures were made for the railroad. Trees were made. Automobiles were built. Several structures were built or installed (one built a few years back). An improved pocket box for carrying a sample was purchased. A prefabricated track building method was developed. To support railcar upgrades, a parts backstock was begun. An improved car truck side-frame building method was developed. Whew! Omscaler thinks he may have forgotten one or two things. The PS-1 boxcar was also the beginning of a major boxcar upgrade. As of writing this post, there are nine more to go. So, as readers can see omscaler has been busy. 2025 sees a list of about twenty goals for the new year. Omscaler will stay busy. Until next post, omscaler


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year!

Midnight is coming. Bringing a brand-new year for us. A time of new beginnings, new projects and perhaps new friends. Omscaler has his list of 2025 goals ready. Do you have yours? This next year is hoped to be a landmark year for The Omega Scale Railway. A lot did get done in 2024. This past week saw work an even more improved turnout design. Omscaler hopes to implement one soon. The funny thing is that all current turnouts are the latest design and none really need replacing. We will see how it turns out (excuse the pun). omscaler


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

T’was the night before Christmas

And all through the house omscaler was dreaming of the New Year ahead. Yes. Christmas will soon be here. The previously mentioned PS-1 boxcar is complete. Omscaler is now working on an improved turnout. There are also plenty of projects for the next year. Omscaler hopes everyone gets what they wanted for Christmas. Merry Christmas to all! Omscaler


Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Some readers may wonder about the “hidden” aspects of The Omega Scale Railway. Today, omscaler will reveal some secret info not readily seen by outsiders. During the construction of the latest boxcar, internal supports were used. Over time omscaler found that most railcars needed this to help maintain the proper shape. This method also makes the car more durable and easily handled. In the case of the boxcar, about a dozen were needed. These internal braces or angle braces as they are called are not seen from the outside. So now, blog readers, you have some “inside information” about The Omega Scale Railway. By the time this is posted, omscaler hopes the boxcar will be be complete. Until next time, omscaler


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Reporting marks

One facet of railway equipment building is assigning and applying a reporting mark to each car, locomotive and caboose. The first planned rebuilt boxcar is SOU, 123376. This is the Southern Railway reporting mark with the car number. Part of the rebuilding was reassigning a new number. The old car was SOU, 23376. omscaler wanted to make the car more realistic and did a little research. The old number was incorrect for the car type series but a similar number was located in a historic roster of the actual equipment. Hence the addition of a one in the first position. The new car will be a Pullman Standard type one, known as PS-1. This car will be the first car identifiable as this type. More are planned as part of the general car upgrade. Moving forward, omscaler


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Marching toward 2025

Around The Omega Scale Railway, November and December are next year planning months. At this point it looks like the list of goals may be complete, subject to revision. It also looks like there will be plenty to keep omscaler busy in the new year. Also, the actual number of original goals is less due to reaching them in 2024. However, new goals have been added. This past week saw making of more back stock parts. This time it was wheels. Some were already made. The final number desired is two hundred. (Yipes!) A building aid was made to help making the new PS1 type boxcar. This week will see more parts making as well as the boxcar. And what about you, reader? Do you make goals? Omscaler would encourage you to do so if you do not. Staying busy, omscaler


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Thanksgiving is fast upon us!

Welcome back blog post readers and welcome new post readers. The next group of parts were underway last week. This time it is the “shoe”. A sliding pad that the rail equipment moves around on. Readers may not know it but no wheels actually turn on the railway cars and locomotives. Simplicity is key around here. Somewhere in the “archives” is a picture of a poultry transport car. How appropriate for this time of year. The picture is online and can be found by a search engine. Omscaler would put it on the blog but the size may not fit the blog format well. Anyhow, we hope that all have a great Thanksgiving and see you next post, omscaler