Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hello to all. I hope everyone had a good Easter. Imagine a rabbit that lays colorful eggs. It boggles the mind. This week I would like to take the blog in a little different direction. No it's not about colorful eggs. The Saturday before Easter I had an opportunity to attend the Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association Train Show. I would like to thank one of the organizers, Jim Bertch for his invaluable assistance with show information and background. The show was held in beautiful Gadsden, Alabama which is located right next to the storied Coosa River. It was a beautiful day for the show. Plenty of sunshine. This show has been held for thirty-one years. Imagine, a generation and a half, roughly speaking. The show was held in downtown Gadsden in the convention center (344 South First Street) which is easy to find being situated off highway 411 and overlooking the river (the front door is on the “city side”). This writer took a number of photographs with one overlooking a large part of the display floor. A number of great layouts were participating. There were also plenty of vendors to satisfy visitors desire for equipment and literature. Mr. Bertch commented that they were hoping for more young people, but on the other hand sales by vendors were good. Door prizes were given out to both adult and young visitors. People were indeed enjoying themselves. I think all of this bodes well for the future for the modelers, collectors and others. As a further side note, the Coosa Valley Model Railroad Association has a permanent layout located at the Gadsden Center for Cultural Arts, 501 Broad Street, Historic downtown Gadsden (downtown looks like the 1920's or so) and admission to the Center was included with admission to the train show. Next time I go I plan to see even more of the beautiful Gadsden area. Until next time, the recently traveled omscaler.

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