Last week's activities illustrate the same principle by which
children come to be in the world. One thing leads to another. To wit, after
visiting the Gadsden Train Show, referred to previously, I was “inspired” to
construct an N scale “module”. The “module” is basically, at this point, a 30''
by 60'' table without legs. I did get 'er done so to speak. As a nod to
procrastination, I have had the hardware on hand for perhaps one or two years!
Anyway, back to the module. I went to the building supply store with my trusty
specialized tool I made from instructions in the ultra lightweight layout
article I read in N Scale magazine. I picked out two pieces of light
blue ¾'' extruded foam 4'x8' panels and began figuring out how I was going to
cut the pieces small enough to fit in my Japanese car. I put it on the stores
panel saw frame and a clerk with a customer come up immediately to use the saw
frame. He said, “we don't cut that”. I said, “I am going to cut it myself”. But
I still decided to move to an area less traveled. I found an out of the way
place on a stack of boards. Some customers came up immediately and said they
needed some of those boards. I said, “no problem”. They got their boards and
then offered to help me cut the blue foam. This was a huge help. If not for
this, I would still be there. We all need good neighbors! When I built the
module I was very sore the next day. How could I be so sore from using a
utility knife blade on foam? I must really be out of shape! Next, legs for the
module. Also, back to The Omega Scale Railway. We are now building the
locomotive tender. We still need to look at car movement and behavior on this
scale of track. We are also in talks with a printer to see about developing a
“kit” for the railway equipment. He said printing in this scale would be no
problem! Wow, that was interesting. See you next time, omscaler
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