Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Label: SER show review.
By the way, Happy Fourth of July to our readers. What a great and historic holiday. The concept of freedom hopefully will never die.
     In this installment I wanted to give a nod to the SER show we went to June 9. the show was well run and even though it was Friday, many people were in attendance. The group from Gadsden was there with their layout and quite a few others. The two that stand out in my mind were Country Roads and nanoTRAINS. You can see them at and respectively. The first of the above had the most detailed layout I have seen in a long time. Plus, the equipment was the latest technology, plus the modular concept was extremely well designed and built. The member I spoke with said it was three years in construction! I could go on and on but see it for yourself on video at the website. The other surprise at the show was nanotrains. This display featured trains at one to one thousand scale! That's right, 1/1000! The smallest I was aware of was 1/400 by someone in Japan. The trains were complete trains moving around their respective layouts. Also, the display was attended by two lovely ladies. Another pleasant surprise. For some reason these shows are often operated by men. Go figure...  to all, use fireworks safety and not too much BBQ, omscaler

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