Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Moving forward 
Last post I discussed the flatcar project. The cutting guide is working well and we are moving along. This cutting guide idea will, as I probably already mentioned, let me make a variety of different car types. This is important because the real railroads used different car types. Obviously, the boxcar is relatively simple to fabricate. The refrigerator car is basically an insulated boxcar with roof hatches or mechanical refrigeration machinery depending on the year of manufacture. All of this uses simple rectangles. What has just been completed, hopefully, is the flatcar project. Just a simple deck supported by side frames, right? As stated before, there is little to no room in the upper area. When I redid some boxcars, I was able to put a retaining pin up into the car body proper. Not with these babies. No room. I have to stop any intrusions below the deck or it will be unnaturally visible. Gotta' maintain realism. So care is required. Also, as I said above, side cutting guides were developed. This is because some flat cars had simple rectangular sides. The ones I am doing have angled sides. More fun, right? Actually, they are a challenge to get right. Next will be gondolas. Same thing. The first types had simple rectangular sides. Later on, angled lower ends, similar to flatcars.  Another cutting guide is called for. After that, coal/material hoppers. The sides have an upper angle extension. Down under triangle like extensions, which are recessed to boot.  Still another cutting guide called for. The bright side of this as I said before, these guides have a tendency to help speed things along. They also help with accuracy. Working along, omscaler

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