Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Traffic moving again
Yes. We are back in business. Last post I described the process I was in to move a turnout about forty feet south. I am very glad I got that done. The benefit that came out of all the effort was that the both the turnout construction method and the specifications got a much needed upgrade. Previously omscaler was like B. Gates, doing things “quick and dirty.” Too dirty as came to find out. I wonder if gates has this issue? So when i got the relocation done the result was the main line and the main passing siding/ yard lead were operational again. In reality, this is only a module. Currently, this module is the only module so the afore mentioned tracks just needed an upgrade. If omscaler had more modules the problem would have been more critical. As it was, the relocation delayed construction of the critical passenger station/ headquarters building. So as of this writing we are once again working on the depot. Thankfully yours, omscaler

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