Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

There is no business like show business


There is no business like show business (almost)

Welcome back to The Omega Scale Railway. This week’s blog may be a little different. Just some personal decisions and opinions. Omscaler decided not to attend the Greater Atlanta Train Show. “Why? ”, You may ask. Good question. Omscaler personally loves train shows. Been to as many as I was able. Seeing folks I know. Checking on what is for sale. Enjoying layouts that are operating. Great time! However, when omscaler checked the videos’ of last year’s show, I noticed that it was mostly what I call dealer tables. I only saw one layout at a lower height for children to enjoy. I have no grudge against all of this but I prefer shows with the above mentioned characteristics. So, I wished this show much success, but I did try to be outdoors at the time of the show. Other shows are coming up and I hope to see many folks there. As far as the current projects go, we are making spare parts anticipating the Mogul and cabooses will need them. Still working, omscaler


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