Looks like Eddie is hard at work moving crates so he can start unloading a shipment of California almonds.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

More progress

Nope we were not there yet as of last post. I think by this posting we will have a least one caboose in the rail yard. This project was more ground breaking than omscaler realized. I should have suspected this at the start. Waycar, crummy, bobber, all names used other that caboose. The hope is that the work doesn’t deserve the name “crummy”. This is some of the reason that completion time is so long. As a side note there are four, that’s right fout box cars in the shop for upgrading. I hope this is the last group. As for the trees, they have been shunted to the back burner. I hope to get to them by week's end. Shoulder to the wheel, omscaler


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